
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ardha Halasana - The Half-Plough Pose

"Ardha" means 'half' and 'Hala' means 'plough' in.

How to do it:
  • Get relaxed and Lie down straight on your back.
  • Keep your legs stretched to the extent you can comfortably.
  • Make a pose so that the heels and the big toes remain jointed.
  • Keep both arms stretched on both sides and ensure to keep the palms down.
  • Breathe in, press the palms down and raise only one leg at a time slowly to the maximum height and make sure no to bend the knee, keeping the other leg flat on the floor.
  • As long as you breathe in, hold the leg straight up until.
  • Breathe out and keep the leg down slowly.
  • Do the similar activities with the other leg also.
  • Repeat the process thrice, alternating the legs.
  • Breathe in again and, press the palms down, but do not bend the knees or raise the hands, rather raise both legs simultaneously so as to make an angle of 30 degrees to the ground, then 60 degrees, and, finally, bring them perpendicular at 90 degrees to the ground.
  • Make sure to breathe in fully and completely.
  • Focus your attention on the big toes.
  • Maintain this position to the extent you feel comfortable while holding your breath.
  • Breathe out, press the palms down again, and ensure not to bend the knees, bring down both legs simultaneously slowly, pausing for five seconds each as they reach 60 degrees and 30 degrees to the ground.
  • Repeat the process thrice, raising both legs together.
  • Do not eat or drink and ensure empty stomach before beginning this asana.
  • Make sure to lie down straight on your back on the floor.
  • The legs should be unshaken during the practice of the asana.
  • Women are advised not to do this asana during menstruation and after the third month of pregnancy.
  • Ardha Halasana makes the muscle in the abdominal area more flexible.
  • It prevents the prolapse of the abdominal organs, such as the uterus in women and the rectum in men.
  • It helps to cure menstrual disorders.
  • It releases the gas in the stomach and intestines and cures the constipation effectively.
  • It prevents hernia.
  • Helps tremendously to the patients of varicose veins to give instant relief if they can practice this posture several times a day.
  • It is advised to do this asana in bed also before getting out of bed in the morning if you are a victim of constipation.
  1. Pregnancy Yoga - Yoga for pregnant women
  2. Lose Weight through Yoga
  3. Look younger with Yoga!
  4. SHATKARMA: Internal Cleansing Practices
  5. Relaxation Techniques at Office

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