
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

A place where fun meets fitness and green healthy living with Bally Chohan..!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Benefits Of Yoga For Pregnancy

Motherhood is one of the most fulfilling experiences for women all over the world. The most beautiful time period for any woman is during Pregnancy stages. While waiting for the child to come in the world they feel increasing joy but ironically there are some hidden fear factors. Fear about your baby's health, delivery without much pain, mood swings, fatigue, morning sickness, constant craving for strange items, increasing weight and overall the feeling about pregnancy can be overwhelming.

The fact is that there are many risk factors associated with pregnancy. While carrying a baby in the womb, your body has to adapt to lot of changes. Though everything goes in a natural planned way and the body adjusts automatically but and these variations leave a long lasting impact on your body. Studies show that with pregnancy come chances of getting caught with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, liver disease and many more.

But here is the good news!!!! If some yoga asanas and breathing exercises are practiced during pregnancy under expert supervision regularly, all these risk factors are minimized to a great extent. And also body can be prepared for an easy delivery with lesser pain. But before doing any of these exercises consult your doctor.

Yoga keeps high blood pressure in control and also keeps a check on your weight. Breathing exercise is very simple but care must be taken to avoid too many jerks and jumping in this condition. Some poses or asanas specially chosen for pregnant women are:
  • Mountain yoga pose – that increases body strength, and relaxes joints and muscles,
  • Triangle Yoga Pose- makes your spine flexible, tones up your spinal nerves, improves digestive system.
  • Warrior yoga pose - which includes warrior I and warrior II,
  • Standing side stretch - Benefits your stomach, arms and legs
Other suggested asanas are Standing spread leg forward bend and Forward bend yoga exercise, Hero yoga pose, Cat pose, Fish pose, Headstand, Tree yoga pose and many more including Corpse pose.

Related Articles:
  1. Pregnancy Yoga - Yoga for pregnant women
  2. Lose Weight through Yoga
  3. Look younger with Yoga!

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