
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

A place where fun meets fitness and green healthy living with Bally Chohan..!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yoga To Gain Weight

Whenever we talk about yoga and weight, we generally emphasize on how to reduce weight but we all may wonder to know that yoga can also be used for weight gain.

It doesn’t exactly increase the weight but appetite of the person enhances tremendously. If a healthy balanced diet is combined with yoga then one can gain the extra pounds on the body miraculously. The yoga postures advised for weight gain are dead corpse pose and Sirshasana (Head stand) that soothes the body and makes the mind and body relaxed and stress free.

Yoga increases muscles elasticity and makes the body more flexible thereby keeping our energy level high to take up more activities. The result is the increase in the feeling of hunger and appetite simultaneously burning the calories. Extra food consumed balances the loss of energy in the body.

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Another positive aspect of yoga is that the food we consume is easily absorbed by the body. This improves the digestive system and also cures the constipation troubles. The psychological impact relaxes the mind and feeling of anger and anxiety calm down. A healthy mind stays in a healthy body and yoga is the best way to stay fit and healthy.

Yoga postures like Matsyasana (Fish Pose) provides flexibility to the belly and work as toner. Since the body takes up the nutrition from the food in a better way, the weight gained does not easily interfere with proper shape of the body and unhealthy deposits in the body are reduced significantly.

Wheel pose and semi wheel pose of yoga are good to tone up the muscles of the back and the belly. It gives strength to the muscles, improves flexibility simultaneously stimulating the glands of the body to improve digestive functioning of the human body. Proper digestion in itself cures a variety of troubles of human body. Proper nutrition improves the body functioning and removes the toxins out of the human body. Lots of ailments caused due to improper digestion of food get cures easily with the help of yoga. It keeps the body clean from within and helps to rejuvenate the mind.

Yoga is also beneficial in treatment of the thyroid and also other diseases thereby helping the nurtured with natural growth and positive weight gain.

1 comment:

  1. I really wonder to know that yoga can also be used for weight gain. These yoga postures advised for weight gain are dead corpse pose and Sirshasana (Head stand) that soothes the body and makes the mind and body relaxed and stress free. thanks for sharing this information...

    Weight Gain
