
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Cervical spondylosis is a specific form of arthritis that attacks the vertebrae as well as the connecting bony and ligament structures. It occurs frequently in the cervical vertebrae. This condition is common mostly among sedentary workers – who do majority of their work sitting on chair in a bent down posture – or those who maintain a semi-erect posture, producing strain on the vertebral column.

  • Cervical spondylosis is accompanied with pain at the back of the neck, arms and shoulders.
  • Paraplegia and even stiffness of neck might happen due to cervical spondylosis.
  • Spine movement aggravates neck pain.
  • In an aggravated state, it may result in blurred vision, nausea and could be associated with tendency to vomit.
  • Incorrect posture results in poor skeletal set up in the neck. This leads to abnormal tear of the neck joints.
  • Long working hours.
  • Physical strain during work.
  • Awkward position during sleep.
  • Excessive intake of sour food usually precipitates these attacks.
  • Practice Shirshasana and Padmaasana for keeping the spine erect.
  • Tadasana, or palm tree pose, helps rectifying postural defects.
  • Yastikasana, or stick pose, helps to de-stress. Lie on your back, inhale by extending your legs fully, with toes stretched and pointing forward. Simultaneously, stretch hands over the head and while maintaining the body in this stretched position, hold your breath to the count of four. Release the stretch while exhaling.
  • Greeva Sanchalan asana is the best to cure cervical spondylosis. The body should remain straight but the neck has to turn.
  • Exposure to cold, such as a cold bath, violent neck muscle exercise, wrong posture while reading, writing or working, must be avoided. Wear a scarf around the neck when going out of the house.
  • Consume wheat rather than rice in your regular diet.
  • In Ayurveda, this condition is called Griva Sandhigata Vata.
  • Hot fomentation on the vertebrae of the neck, is helpful and offers relief from cervical pain. Place 500 grams of salt on a big cloth and put this on a frying pan until it gets heated. This can then be applied on the neck (but it should not be so hot as to cause burns). This can be done for half-an-hour a day. Also, ensure that the affected part is not exposed to cold wind immediately after hot fomentation.
  • Avoid foods with a sour taste and fried foods. Consume bitter vegetables, such as neem flowers, drumstick and bitter gourd, as this helps to prevent the ailment.
  • Herbal oils can be applied on the affected part and gently massaged twice or thrice a day. Avoid violent massage, which applies deep pressure, as it may do more harm than good. During winters, these oils could be gently warmed before application.
It is very important to maintain a correct posture while reading, writing or working. Ayurvedic treatments are beneficial in curing Griva Sandhigata Vata. A person suffering from cervical spondylosis should also practice asanas as part of the treatment.

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1 comment:

  1. The work system with no physical movement sticking to the computer for hours have generated these problems of the spine.Yogasana is a very old scientific way of exercising which helps if done correctly with regularity.

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