
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Yoga Treatment for Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is a viral disease common in children between 1 to 10 years. Often symptoms of the Chicken pox are mistaken for measles. However, if there is fever, it is a sure sign that it is chicken pox. The disease is highly contagious and children should be kept in isolation during the healing process. Chicken pox is also known as Varicella disease.

  • A slight fever along with pain in the legs and back are the first symptoms of chicken pox.
  • Within a day, there will be small red papules on the chest and the back. At times, they appear even on the forehead. Pimples can turn to vesicles, but they dry up within 48 hours, leaving a brown crust.
  • After a few days, you will notice eruptions.
  • A slight cough is often detected in patients along with a decrease in appetite.
  • Severe headache, vomiting, tiredness or a running nose are also symptoms of this disorder.
  • It has also been noticed that some symptoms may appear 10 to 21 days after the eruptions have appeared.
  • A mild fever accompanies the cold-like symptoms and it is followed by rashes on the trunk of the body. The fluid-filled blisters will appear and thereafter brown crusts will be noticed.
The Varicella-Zoster virus is the main cause of chicken pox. The causes of this disorder are not always apparent and it is often associated with swallowed air, foods rich in carbohydrate or overfeeding. If you have a sensitive skin, you are prone to this disease. The use of a strong soap or a long bubble bath or prolonged illness can also cause this disease.

Though there is no direct benefit of Yoga in this infectious disease, yet regular practice of Yoga and Pranayama can help you to strengthen your immune system and escape the attack of this malaise.

  • One grain of Haridra powder can be added to the karela juice and this should be given to the patient twice daily.
  • Oatmeal is extremely important for reducing the itching sensation. An oatmeal bath can offer some relief. You can prepare an oatmeal bath for the patient. Two cups of oatmeal are to be cooked in two liters of water. The mixture should be put inside a cloth bag. The cloth bag should be kept floating on the water until the water becomes turbid. However, the bag must not tear in the process.
  • The Swarnamakshika Bhasma is good for chicken pox. You can take 120 mg of the medicine along with the decoction of tree barks of Kanchanar every morning and evening.
  • You can also take 20 ml of Eladyarishta with water after each meal. In the second week, Indukala vati with water can expedite the healing process.
  • If you want some relief from itching, you can mix the roots of yellow dock with two cups of water and apply the decoction on the affected area.
  • Yarrow is another element which helps in reducing the inflammation and helps to kill the bacteria.
  • Herbal tea prepared with basil, marigold, chamomile and lemon balm along with a pinch of lemon, cinnamon and honey will help in the healing process.
The disease is common in small children. If there is an itching sensation accompanied by high fever, and the itching persists, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The child should be given proper rest and be made to take a neem bath to reduce the itching.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a disease which adversely affects the mind of a child and ultimately reduces his or her concentration. Apart from experiencing a lack of concentration and distraction, a patient suffering from this ailment might also become hyperactive and face problems in learning. It is actually a kind of childhood-specific behavioral disorder. A victim of this disorder becomes impulsive by nature and also develops a restless and unstable temperament which may hamper future career progression. This disorder is commonly known as hyperactivity. However, it would be wrong to confuse it with the usual playful and naughty nature of a growing kid.

As already mentioned, a hyperactive child suffers from lack of concentration. Some of the symptoms include:
  • They do not want to sit at a place for a long time if required.
  • They do not play quietly.
  • It becomes very tough for people to make them follow instructions.
  • In some cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the affected children start doing some new work without finishing the previous one.
  • They often interrupt others and get involved in disastrous activities that may harm them.
  • The disease can also make the child anxious, depressed or obsessive.
  • Patients may suffer from lack of synchronization and language or speech problems.
While in most cases the hyperactivity diminishes with the onset of adulthood, some victims retain the traits.

  • There are some chemicals in the brain that transmit nervous sensations and signals called neurotransmitters. If a child inherits imbalanced neurotransmitters, he may fall prey to this disease.
  • The human brain encounters millions of stimulations every minute but sometimes it cannot filter all of them as per requirement. A child suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder fails to process information at a steady pace and tends to get distracted easily.
  • The decision-making power of the child is significantly reduced and certain brain chemicals like dopamine and noradrenaline may be imbalanced in these cases.
  • Sometimes it is the heredity or genetic factor that is blamed. However, no particular gene has been identified and it is believed that several genes may be responsible for this disorder. A significant fact to note is that research through ages has been unable to show continuous neurobiological differences between the child who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a normal child.
  • The fast food habit of kids is also suspected to be one of the reasons behind hyperactivity. Several parents believe that food additives can aggravate hyperactive behavior. In fact, recent research clearly demonstrates that artificial food colors, as well as sodium benzoate – used as a preservative in foods like ice-cream – can increase the chances of this ailment. Nonetheless nothing conclusive has been proved in this regard.
However, it should be kept in mind that this is a generalized view and the specific hormone which causes this imbalance has still not been discovered. The researches have indicated that patients of this disorder may show a plethora of different behavior patterns.

  • Matsyasana, Tadasana, Sarvangasana and Vrikshasana are some asanas that can help to combat this ailment.
  • Practices like the chanting of AUM, meditation and Pranadharna improve concentration to a great extent.
  • Viprit Karni and candle gazing, or Trataka, are very useful in this respect.
  • Bhakti Yoga or prayers to God, devotional songs and listening to philosophical discourses can have a curative effect on this disease.
  • Family support is very important to control ADHD.
  • Behavior and stress management along with the educational support can also be very effective. So, hiring professionals is a good idea.
  • Listening to devotional songs and chanting prayers is also beneficial for patients of ADHD.
  • Ayurvedic medicines like Jyotishmati, Pippali, Suvarna Malini Vasant, Vishatinduk Vati, Ashwagandha, Vacha, Pancha Tikta Ghruta Guggulu, Suvarna Bhasma etc. aim to ensure the proper functioning of the affected part of the brain.
  • There are medicines that cure the symptoms of this disorder. These includes Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Mandukparni, Sarpagandha, Jatamansi etc.
  • Guduchi, Chirayta, Musta and Amalaki can be used to improve the functioning of the brain.
ADHD patients need to be treated with proper care. So, it is important to consult experienced and qualified professionals who are capable of dealing with them. The support groups are also crucial to deal with the patients. (All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)

  1. Lose Weight through Yoga
  2. Control Your Mood Wings with Yoga
  3. INSOMNIA - Enjoy a relaxing sleep
  4. Integrative Yoga Therapy
  5. Anulom Vilom Pranayam

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yogasanas for Depression

Depression is a psychological disorder in which people feel distressed or sad for a prolonged period of time. Everyone feels sad sometimes, however, when this sadness lasts over a considerable span of time and affects daily life, then it is termed as depression.

  • A person suffering from depression might suffer from reduced sleep and chronic fatigue all day.
  • Anxiety levels also shoot up in such a person.
  • Some people might display too much pathos and depict an emotional nature that is unlike them.
  • They might also become extremely temperamental and react aggressively upon minor provocation.
  • Patients of depression also display lack of interest in socializing and fail to concentrate.
  • The power of decision making considerably reduces. There is also a feeling of loneliness and despair.
  • In some families, depression seems to occur generation after generation.
  • Pessimistic people, who suffer from a low self-esteem, are easily overwhelmed by stress and are prone to depression.
  • Medical illness like heart attack, Parkinson's disease, cancer and hormonal disorders can cause depression.
  • A serious personal loss, financial problem, difficult relationship or any stressful change in the life pattern can trigger a depressive episode.
  • Yogasanas help to raise awareness level and this benefit a person emotionally and physically. While moving to different postures, pay attention to how the muscles and limbs react.
  • Breathing is critical to Yoga. Each inhalation should expand both the chest and belly. Make sure your breathing remains consistent.
  • Focus your attention on correct balance, form and breathing while practising the Yogic postures.
  • Simhasana is a wonderful pose to gain courage and lessen your emotional load.
  • Eat nuts and cheese along with a spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Eat lots of pumpkin seeds.
  • Blanch five to seven rosemary leaves in a cup of boiling water and add honey to it. Wait for three minutes and then drink.
  • Get into a warm bath with lots of salt and then rest.
  • Warm some avocado leaves and put them on your forehead.
  • Combine 5 parts Shatavari, 3 parts Jatamansi, 3 parts Brahmi and 5 parts Guduchi. Take 1/2 a teaspoon of this mixture in warm water daily.
  • You can inhale 3 drops of Brahmi oil to each nostril twice a day and rub it on the sides of your feet while going to bed.
  • Take 1/2 teaspoon Brahmi, 1/2 teaspoon Vacha, 1/2 teaspoon Jatamansi and1 teaspoon Shankhapushpi. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture with half cup warm water thrice a day.
  • Soak 1 teaspoon of Dashamoola herb in a cup of hot water and drink it twice a day. You can also make tea from equal proportions of Brahmi and Ashivagandha. Drink this tea twice a day.
CONCLUSION A person suffering from depression must adhere to a healthy diet. To get rid of pessimism, a person must concentrate on something that interests him. Ayurvedic and Yogic methods of treating depression are natural, gentle and effective.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Yoga for Constipation

Constipation refers to a condition when a person is unable to clear his or her bowel. It is quite common among people of all ages. A person suffering from constipation finds it difficult to pass faeces and, consequently, experiences a lot of pain and discomfort.

Constipation might often result in anal canal rupture. Diarrhea is also a common fallout of this syndrome. However, for many people, passing stool after two days is a common affair and hence cannot be termed as constipation.

  • Children suffering from constipation do not have the habit of passing stool regularly.
  • The stool is hard and it often results in rupture of the anal canal skin. This can lead to blood loss.
  • After meals, one might have the feeling that the stomach is bloated and that may lead to general discomfort.
  • Intense pain often accompanies bowel movement.
  • Cramps, poor appetite and vomiting are common symptoms of constipation.
  • Children who suffer from constipation have a tendency of bed wetting.
  • Urine’s normal flow is also affected. So, children suffering from constipation often do not want to urinate.
  • There are many reasons that lead to constipation.
  • Dehydration often leads to constipation.
  • Rupture of the anal canal skin evokes fear in the mind of child and thus she/he refuses to pass faeces. The rupture causes great pain and blood loss.
  • Mental stress often causes constipation.
  • Improper food habits also lead to constipation.
  • Asanas have proven to be helpful in overcoming constipation.
  • Bhujanghasana helps in digestion and curing constipation.
  • Trikonasana assists the individual to pass stool normally.
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana increases the digestive fire and relieves a person from constipation by allowing easy bowel movement.
  • Supta Vajrasana helps in digestion and thus cures constipation.
  • Laghushamkha-Prakshalana is a deep cleaning of the small intestines. It is a series of asana done under the supervision of an expert. This entails complete digestive track cleansing and provides relief from constipation instantly.
  • You can eat two apples every morning.
  • Drink a glass of lemon juice in water and add a pinch of salt in it.
  • Eat papaya every morning on an empty stomach. A fruit salad containing papaya and guava can be taken any time of the day.
  • Warm lime water is beneficial for preventing constipation.
  • Soak dry grapes overnight and take them early morning on an empty stomach.
  • Add a tablespoon of flax seeds in a glass of water and keep it aside for about 3 hours. Drink this flax seed water before sleeping.
  • Take orange juice anytime of the day.
  • Spinach taken in cooked or raw form is quite beneficial in cleaning the bowel system.
  • Take ripe bael fruit.
  • Pulp of ripe fruit of the cassia tree is used for treating constipation.
  • Castor oil is also an effective laxative.
  • Chebulic myroblan’s pulp is taken with rock salt or flavored with cinnamon and cloves.
  • You can also take a glass of water with a tablespoon of phyllium husk early morning on an empty stomach.
  • Termnalia chebula normalizes functioning of the colon and improves the digestive tract.
The treatment of constipation must focus on doing Yogasanas everyday. Home remedies are also beneficial. Apart from these, holistic management can correct irregular evacuation of bowels and treat constipation successfully.

(All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)