
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Yoga Treatment of High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the steroid lipid found in the outer cell membranes of all body tissues. Cholesterol is sometimes known as sterol, which is a high combination of alcohol and steroid. A person can face health problem with the rise of the cholesterol level. High cholesterol level in the body can cause arterial disease or coronary heart disease.

  • Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major clinical symptoms for cholesterol. In this condition, the cholesterol level increases and it can cause several heart and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hypocholesterolemia is also another symptom which is caused when the cholesterol level falls abnormally low.
It is said that the cholesterol level of the body is dependent on the food a person consumes. Certain foods which affect the cholesterol level include:
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Red meat
  • Foods that contain saturated fat
Yoga is highly beneficial for the treatment of high cholesterol. Some important asanas for cholesterol management include:
  • One can regularly drink coriander with water to reduce the cholesterol levels. This also improves the functioning of kidneys. Positive changes can be seen after a month.
  • Boiled milk with one piece of garlic helps in lowering the level of cholesterol. It is also recommended for people who have cardiac pains.
  • One can eat a piece of garlic every morning.
  • Regular consumption of walnuts and almonds can also help in lowering the cholesterol level.
  • Arjuna is an effective herb that allows one to achieve proper balance in the level of cholesterol. One can consume it as Arjuna Ghritam and Arjunarishtha.
  • Prabhakara Vati and Hridayarnava Rasa are also popular Ayurvedic treatments for cholesterol problems.
  • Mrigamadasava can be prescribed if a person has a high level of cholesterol.
  • Alfalfa is useful to clear cholesterol congestion from the arteries.
  • Guggulu, a traditional herb of India, has been identified as an important medicine for the treatment of heart and cholesterol problems. The Guggulsterones contained in this herb can reduces cholesterol.
  • Holy Basil can dissolve accumulated cholesterol from a person’s arteries and carry it to the bloodstream. This ultimately gets eliminated through the kidneys.
The cholesterol level of a person depends on the food consumes. One should make a chart of calorie intake. A person should avoid those foods which have high calorie count, such as red meat, ice creams and chocolates. Fried food should also be avoided. One should also refrain from the consumption of groundnut oil. Butter, ghee and cow’s milk are recommended, but buffalo dairy products should not be consumed. Consumption of fruits, fresh green leafy vegetables can help balance the cholesterol level of a person. Drinking large quantities of water can also help drain the toxins from the body and checks the level of cholesterol.

  1. Breast Cancer Treatment with Yoga
  2. Yoga Treatment For Baldness
  3. Yoga For A Flat Stomach - 4 Effective Asanas
  4. Amebiasis Treatment with Yoga
  5. Acne Treatment with Yoga
  6. AIDS Treatment with Yoga
  7. Allergy Treatment with Yoga

Bed Wetting Treatment

Bed wetting is one of the most common problems in children. This is a condition in which children are unaware of wetting their bed while sleeping. The problem is also called nocturnal enuresis. In such cases, a child can wet his or her bed regularly or after a gap of two to three days. When the problem of bed wetting persists after five years, then it requires medical attention.

  • Wetting of bed during sleep is the predominant symptom.
  • Pain during urination is another symptom.
  • Constipation is also common among children who have the problem of enuresis.
  • Delay in neurological development is the chief reason behind bed wetting. In such cases, the brain of a child learns the proper functioning of the bladder after the usual time.
  • Some children wet their bed as the ability of staying dry develops later in them.
  • In some cases, bed wetting is found to be a genetic disorder.
  • Reduced rate of antidiuretic hormone production can also be a cause for this problem.
Practicing some of the sitting and standing asanas can help to cure bedwetting. Some of the popular asana include:
  • Shavasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Bhadrasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Pashchimottanasana
  • Chakrasana
  • Baddha Padmasana
  • Garudasana
  • Matsyasana
Retention control training or practice to postpone urination by few minutes can be effective. The time for retention should increase gradually. With this exercise one would be able to strengthen muscles, which control urination. This would also increase bladder capacity.

  • Herbs like Pulsatilla, corn silk, lycopodium and causticum can reduce bedwetting.
  • Eating one teaspoon of raisins and two teaspoon of walnut halves can help to combat the problem of bedwetting.
  • Herbal tea, which is made from Bearberry or Warmwood, Horsetail and Oakbark can be useful.
  • Inner thigh massage with wort oil of St. John can also help.
  • Good results can be obtained if a person consumes half a tablet of Shilajitvadi Vati with warm milk every day.
  • Chandraprabha Vati is also an effective remedy for this problem.
  • One to two Neo tablets or Charak, consumed twice a day for two or three months can help check the problem of bedwetting.
One should not punish the child. Criticizing or nagging can worsen the situation. Parents should not allow the child to consume beverages before bedtime. Children should be taught to empty their bladder before they go to bed.

(All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yogic asanas and Ayurvedic treatment for Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is a problem that occurs in women. It is a menstrual disorder characterized by the absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea occurs in pregnant women and lactating mothers. The absence of menses mainly happens before puberty and after menopause. In any other condition if a woman skips menstruation for more than three months then it is diagnosed as Amenorrhea.

  • The main symptom of Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual period among women in the reproductive age group. A woman who had missed her menstruation for three months can be called a patient of Amenorrhea.
  • Sometimes a female with an oligomenorrhea history suffer from this menstrual disease.
  • Primary Amenorrhea happens due to various developmental problems in the body, such as malfunction of the ovary in maintaining and receiving egg cells.
  • It is also caused due to the absence of uterus in a female. Sometime this problem is detected soon after the female child is born.
  • Primary Amenorrhea also occurs due to hindrance in the pubertal development. It is defined as the absence of sexual characteristics (secondary) in a woman after the age of 16.
  • Secondary Amenorrhea is caused due to hormonal disturbances from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. It can also occur due to intrauterine scar formation or premature menopause.
  • Sometimes Amenorrhea occurs due to over exercise. So doctors often advise women not to exercise for a long time. This menstrual disorder is named 'athletic' amenorrhea and the problem mainly occurs in athletes.
  • Hypogonadotropic Amenorrhea is caused by low levels of LH and serum FSH.
  • Amenorrhea might also be caused by contraceptive medication.

Some of the asanas that help fight this disease include:
  • Add jaggery with Sesame powder (one teaspoonful) and mix it properly. Take it thrice daily.
  • Keep five almonds and ten dates in goat milk (fresh) for one night. Make them into a proper paste and consume with honey.
  • Another effective home remedy is Fenugreek powder. Add one cup of milk with one teaspoonful Fenugreek powder and add oil to it. Take it twice daily.
  • Honey (two teaspoonfuls) and gooseberry juice needs to be mixed and taken twice daily.
  • Another effective remedy is the mixture of Asparagus root and milk (one cup). It should be consumed twice daily.
Amenorrhea can be treated with medical intervention. Yogic asanas and Ayurvedic treatment are also effective for the treatment of Amenorrhea.

  1. Child Yoga and Physical Therapy
  2. Back Stretching - Back to Basics
  3. Yoga for Beginners
  4. Yoga Poses & Yoga Exercises
  5. Anulom Vilom Pranayam

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment

Cervical spondylosis is a specific form of arthritis that attacks the vertebrae as well as the connecting bony and ligament structures. It occurs frequently in the cervical vertebrae. This condition is common mostly among sedentary workers – who do majority of their work sitting on chair in a bent down posture – or those who maintain a semi-erect posture, producing strain on the vertebral column.

  • Cervical spondylosis is accompanied with pain at the back of the neck, arms and shoulders.
  • Paraplegia and even stiffness of neck might happen due to cervical spondylosis.
  • Spine movement aggravates neck pain.
  • In an aggravated state, it may result in blurred vision, nausea and could be associated with tendency to vomit.
  • Incorrect posture results in poor skeletal set up in the neck. This leads to abnormal tear of the neck joints.
  • Long working hours.
  • Physical strain during work.
  • Awkward position during sleep.
  • Excessive intake of sour food usually precipitates these attacks.
  • Practice Shirshasana and Padmaasana for keeping the spine erect.
  • Tadasana, or palm tree pose, helps rectifying postural defects.
  • Yastikasana, or stick pose, helps to de-stress. Lie on your back, inhale by extending your legs fully, with toes stretched and pointing forward. Simultaneously, stretch hands over the head and while maintaining the body in this stretched position, hold your breath to the count of four. Release the stretch while exhaling.
  • Greeva Sanchalan asana is the best to cure cervical spondylosis. The body should remain straight but the neck has to turn.
  • Exposure to cold, such as a cold bath, violent neck muscle exercise, wrong posture while reading, writing or working, must be avoided. Wear a scarf around the neck when going out of the house.
  • Consume wheat rather than rice in your regular diet.
  • In Ayurveda, this condition is called Griva Sandhigata Vata.
  • Hot fomentation on the vertebrae of the neck, is helpful and offers relief from cervical pain. Place 500 grams of salt on a big cloth and put this on a frying pan until it gets heated. This can then be applied on the neck (but it should not be so hot as to cause burns). This can be done for half-an-hour a day. Also, ensure that the affected part is not exposed to cold wind immediately after hot fomentation.
  • Avoid foods with a sour taste and fried foods. Consume bitter vegetables, such as neem flowers, drumstick and bitter gourd, as this helps to prevent the ailment.
  • Herbal oils can be applied on the affected part and gently massaged twice or thrice a day. Avoid violent massage, which applies deep pressure, as it may do more harm than good. During winters, these oils could be gently warmed before application.
It is very important to maintain a correct posture while reading, writing or working. Ayurvedic treatments are beneficial in curing Griva Sandhigata Vata. A person suffering from cervical spondylosis should also practice asanas as part of the treatment.

  1. Amebiasis Treatment with Yoga
  2. Acne Treatment with Yoga
  3. AIDS Treatment with Yoga
  4. Allergy Treatment with Yoga
  5. Alzheimer’s Disease
  6. Yoga Treatment For Baldness

Monday, March 15, 2010

Breast Cancer Treatment with Yoga

Breast cancer refers to the type of cancer that develops in the breast cell of men and women. It affects several people across the world and is among the most common forms of cancer after lung cancer. Women have the maximum risks of breast cancer but men may also develop the condition. The survival rate in men and women is the same.

  • The subjective sign or first symptom is a typical lump which feels different from other tissues surrounding the breast. Most of the breast cancer cases have been discovered when the patient felt the lump.
  • Lumps on the lymph nodes close to the armpits or collarbone are also indications of breast cancer.
  • Apart from this, a person affected by breast cancer can feel changes in shape or size of breast, face nipple inversion and skin dimpling.
  • Pain, redness and swelling in the breast region can also be an indication of breast cancer.
  • In some patients eczematoid skin changes, such as mild flaking and redness, are also seen.
  • In advanced stages of the disease, a person might experience burning, itching, increased sensitivity and tingling in the breast region.
  • In some rare cases, patients experience unexplained weight loss.
Breast cancer is believed to be the outcome of various hereditary and environmental factors. Mutation is one of the causes of breast cancer. It had been experimentally linked to exposure of estrogens. Experts believe that in 95% of the cases breast cancer is inherited from two genes. They are BRCA, or Breast Cancer 1, and BRCA2, or Breast Cancer 2. A person can inherit breast cancer from both male and female relatives. Though experts have identified several risk factors but any particular cause for breast cancer has not yet been determined. Major risk factors that can cause breast cancer are age, sex, hormones, childbearing, alcohol intake, high-fat diet, obesity, shift work and radiation.

  • Short yoga programs, including physical movements, imagery, stretching, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation can be advantageous in the treatment of breast cancer.
  • Ushas Mudra facilitates the release of endorphin. It increases immunity. Cancer patients can get several benefits from this practice.
  • Garuda Mudra helps to boost endocrine and respiratory function. It also helps in balancing both sides of the body.
  • Cardamom, cinnamon, nagkeshar and bay are the useful home remedies to treat breast cancer.
  • Saffron is also beneficial in the treatment of breast cancer.
  • Stanya Shodhan herbs are most important for the treatment of breast cancer. Some of the important Stanya Shodhan herbs include guduchi, shilajit, kutki and vacha.
  • Kutki helps to clear waste matter from the body and makes life healthier. It is not only important for treatment of breast cancer but it can also treat liver metastasis.
  • Diamond Bhashma is another important Ayurvedic medicine that treats cancer. It is a special type of medical ash which is made from powdered diamonds.
Breast cancer is a common problem among women. It is more common than cervical cancer or colorectal cancer. The incidence of breast cancer is higher in developed countries compared to the less developed ones. The increase of complementary medicine for breast cancer is a major breakthrough. Yoga, meditation and acupuncture are some of the treatments which can help a patient of breast cancer.