
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yoga Treatment for Dizziness

Dizziness is a condition in which a person suffers from fuzziness, helplessness, wooziness, lightheadedness, confusion and a giddy feeling. Some people also experience a floating feeling. The common name given to the combined condition is Pre-syncope, disequilibrium or Vertigo. The term Vertigo is more appropriate for dizziness. A person who experiences such a condition gets a feel that the whole world is spinning around him. It can be extremely disturbing and a person can also feel nausea after this. Both women and men have equal chances of being affected by dizziness.

Signs and Symptoms of Dizziness
Dizziness is one of the common disorders. Many people have experienced this condition on several occasions. The signs and symptoms of dizziness can vary from one person to other. Some common symptoms of dizziness are lightheadedness, nausea, wobbly feeling on feet, vomiting and intense headache. In some cases, people lose consciousness or even experience short-term memory loss.

The causes of dizziness range from Menier’s disease, viral infections, loss of balance or disequilibrium, inner ear disruption and low blood pressure. Any sudden movement causing momentary drop in the blood pressure can also cause dizziness. Panic attacks, anxiety, low blood sugar, migraine, irregular heart rhythms, tiredness, stress and anemia can also lead to dizziness. Certain drugs and medicines can also lead to this problem. A stroke or transient ischemic attack, in some cases, has caused dizziness. A person who is completely intoxicated can also experience the condition. Poisoning from carbon monoxide and acoustic neuroma have also been listed as the causes of dizziness.

Yogic Management of Dizziness
  • Malasana is one of the effective Yoga poses for the treatment of dizziness. One should practice this asana regularly to get best results.
  • Halasana is another effective Yoga pose to check dizziness. This asana can be done lying down on the mat. A person should only do it when he is not experiencing the symptoms of vertigo.
  • Dizziness is often caused by stress, panic attacks and anxiety. One can practice Shavasana to relax the mind and body.
  • Salamba Sirasana, Paschimottanasana, Sanmukhi Mudra and Nadi Sodhana Pranayama can also help ease the condition.
Home Remedies for Dizziness
  • One should avoid a dry diet. The affected person diet chart should include curries and gravies.
  • Soups should be consumed before meals.
  • One should eat slightly warm meals.
  • Fruit juices and any such fluids should be consumed regularly.
  • Meals should not be skipped. There should be a specific time for every meal.
  • The patient’s diet must contain fats. Saturated fats like ghee should be used while cooking.
  • Warm milk and nuts can be effective. They should be consumed at bedtime. Cashew nuts and almonds are best for this purpose.
Ayurvedic Management for Dizziness
  • Introduction of herbs in the diet of a person can help in the treatment of dizziness. Winter cherry, or Ashwagandha, improves oxygen flow in body and is useful in dizziness.
  • The herb Gingko is preferred for treating all kinds of circulatory maladies. It also helps to improve blood and oxygen flow in the body.
  • Vacha or Calamus can also offer some relief to people suffering from vertigo.
  • Triphala, Sarpagandha and Muktabhasma are useful Ayurvedic preparation to treat dizziness.
  • Sutasekhara rasa, if taken with Amlaki juice and honey, can give positive results.
  • Ashwagandharishtha and Saraswatarishtha can be taken in case of nervous breakdown.
  • One can take Yogendra rasa for better results.
A person who has experienced dizziness should go for health check-ups at regular intervals. One should also exercise regularly to maintain a fit body. A healthy diet should be followed. Stress should be avoided as it is one of the main causes for dizziness.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yoga and Ayurvedic Treatment of Diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a disease in itself but the indication of several ailments. A person having diarrhea passes loose stools. It can become chronic in some cases. Chronic diarrhea can subsist for a long time. It can make an individual feel very weak. It often leads to malnutrition in children.

  • A person suffering from diarrhea may pass watery and loose stool frequently.
  • He can also suffer from a lack of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting are two persistent signs of this ailment.
  • It also creates the sensation of pain in several body parts like stomach and abdomen.
  • The victims of diarrhea also suffer from dehydration.
Several factors may cause diarrhea in a person.
  • In majority of the cases, diarrhea is caused by various types of bacterial infections. These bacteria get into the human body through water and contaminated food.
  • There are a number of viruses that also lead to diarrhea. Some of them are cytomegalovirus, Norwalk virus, herpes simplex virus etc. In some cases parasitic infections also lead to diarrhea.
  • Intolerance to certain types of food can also cause diarrhea.
People suffering from both short- and long-term diarrhea can try Yoga. Yoga is beneficial in curing digestive tract ailments and indigestion-related disorders. Some standing Yoga postures are recommended for digestive health.
  • Parvritta Trikonasana and Trikonasana are ideal for patients of diarrhea.
  • Benefits can be drawn from practicing the extended side angle pose or Parsvakonasana.
  • The camel pose, or Ustrasana, helps in stretching the abdomen and strengthening the back muscles of body.
  • If a person is currently suffering from acute diarrhea, it would be advisable not to practice deep forward folds. These postures tend to increase bowel activity.
If a person suffers from regular indigestion, starting a Yoga regime will be helpful. However, people suffering from serious digestive problems like ulcerative colitis need to consult a doctor before starting Yogic practices. To draw maximum benefit, a person suffering from digestive disorders needs to practice Yoga twice or thrice a week.


There are some herbal and home-based remedies for treating diarrhea.
  • Meadowsweet is used by many people for treating cases of childhood diarrhea. It helps in toning up the lining of the small intestine.
  • Other herbal products that yield good result in treating diarrhea are Ladies Mantle, Ribwort, Agrimony and Cranesbill.
  • When mild agents fail one can think of using stronger astringents like Oak Bark.
The Ayurvedic remedies for diarrhea include:
  • A blend of Hingavashtaka Churna, Gangadhara Churna and Kutaja Churna can be taken by diarrhea patients daily. Each ingredient should not exceed 1 gm in quantity.
  • As an alternative, one can try using the blend of 240 mg Mahagandhaka Yoga, Raman Churna and 120 mg of Sanjivani. This should be taken with honey.
  • Rasanjanadi Churna and Yamani Shadava can be taken twice daily in quantities of 15 gm and 1.5 gm respectively.
Diarrhea can be treated according to the cause. If bacterial or viral contamination is the cause, a person needs to take medication accordingly. Sticking to healthy eating habits can also save a person from this ailment.

  1. Yoga Treatment For Baldness
  2. Breast Cancer Treatment with Yoga
  3. Bed Wetting Treatment
  4. Yoga Treatment of High Cholesterol

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yoga Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that affects a large part of the population. In medical terminology, it is described as the swelling up of joints. It is a painful condition and, if left untreated for a long time, it can lead to permanent disability. The origin of the word lies in the Greek terms “itis,” which means inflammation and “arthro” which stands for joint. Thus Arthritis is a disease which causes inflammation of joints. In most cases, Arthritis affects the elderly population. However, at times even younger people fall prey to it.

  • Stiff, creaky and painful joints.
  • Deformation of the ailing organ.
  • Intense pain and, in extreme conditions, disability
  • In Osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the bone is depleted. The erosion of the cartilage occurs due to regular wear and tear of the body joints.
  • While the aged are usually victims of this painful malaise, even younger people can be affected by this disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis happens when the body's immune system attacks the lining of the joint.
By doing Yoga regularly, patients of arthritis can get some relief from the pain. This is because when one performs a Yogic posture, the muscles are stretched and the pain is relieved. Yogic exercises also strengthen the immune system and this helps the patient.
  • Asanas like Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Trikonasana and Vrikshasana are good for arthritic patients.
  • Simple Pranayama can also benefit them.
  • Exercises like deep breathing and use of nostrils can help the patients.
  • Consumption of food that is rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins can help one fight arthritis. Patients can benefit immensely from fiber-rich fruits, green vegetables, raw vegetable juices etc.
  • Taking ginger juice is also beneficial for arthritis patients. Herbal remedies like Rose-hip help in treating Arthritis. It strengthens the ligaments and body tissues.
  • Another useful home remedy for arthritis is rubbing hot vinegar and sandalwood paste in the affected areas. Eating walnut and coconut is beneficial for strengthening of the bones.
Ayurveda suggests performing certain exercises and Asanas.
  • There exist some natural drinks that can be prepared at home for arthritis patients. Every morning the mix of 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey can be taken.
  • Apart from that, one can also try drinking carrot and cucumber juice. Turmeric is also useful for arthritis and the victims can take a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of turmeric.
  • Garlic also has some healing properties that are beneficial in the treatment of arthritis.
  • Try applying garlic paste to the affected areas. Besides, patients can also benefit by eating garlic slices.
It is quite evident that the diet of a person plays a role in controlling arthritis. Therefore, arthritis patients should adopt a healthy diet and stay away from junk food. They should also abstain from overeating.

(All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Boils

A localized infection deep inside the skin is known as a boil. It begins as a reddened tender area. Over time, the area becomes hard, firm yet tender. The center of the abscess softens gradually and fills up with infection fighting WBC which the body sends from the bloodstream to eradicate the infection. This collection of WBC, proteins and bacteria is called pus. Pus forms a head that can be opened surgically or be drained out through the surface of the skin. To sum up, a boil can be best described as a skin infection that causes irritation and is often painful.

  • Appearance of small red balls on the skin is the main symptom of boils. These red balls slowly become big with a small mouth in the center where the pus accumulates. These balls then become firm and the surrounding area become red and hard.
  • Patients might also experience swollen lump nodes and fever, in case of severe infection.
  • Itching might develop in some people before the formation of lumps.
  • Sometimes, a boil can emit an unpleasant smell, especially when a discharge is present.
  • Ingrown hair can be the reason for a boil.
  • Some boils are formed due to a foreign substance or splinter that penetrates the skin and stays there.
  • Growth of staphylococcus germs can be a cause of this ailment. These germs enter the body through sweat glands.
  • Boils can erupt because of an increase in the level of toxic substances in the blood. This toxicity increases due to unhealthy food habits, improper movement of bowel, some chronic disease or excess consumption of alcohol.
  • Hot packs or hot soaks is the best home remedy for treating boils. Heat application increases circulation and allows the body to fight the infection better by bringing WBC and antibodies to the site of infection.
  • Good hygiene and the use of antibacterial soap prevent growth of bacteria on skin. Special cleansers like pHisoderm can be used to reduce bacteria on the skin.
  • A proper diet is essential. Orange juice should be taken 4 times a day for a week. After the orange juice diet is over, green leafy vegetables, cereals, fresh juicy fruits, grams, etc should be given.
  • Apply garlic or onion or bitter gourd extracts over boils.
  • Boil parsley leaves until they become soft. Wrap the boiled leaves in clean perforated cloth and apply them on the boils.
  • Take 3-4 betel leaves and boil them in water until they become soft. Put 2 drops of castor oil on them. Cover the boils with these leaves.
Heat application with hot soaks or hot packs is the best treatment for boils. Ayurvedic treatments and home remedies are also quite beneficial. Apart from this, you must always try maintaining a healthy bowel movement and keep your body clean