
Bally Chohan Fitness Tips

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer is defined as a typical neurological disorder affecting brain to a great extent and resulting in loss of memory. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician, found this disease in 1906 and defined it as a typical brain disorder. Abnormal behavioral and thinking patterns are the byproduct of this disease, including short-term memory. This is a form of dementia, generally identified with loss of memory and different old age ailments. Medical experts place it in the category of fatal diseases as it spoils the brain cells which are never regenerated.

  • Loss of memory.
  • Abnormal behavior and related signs.
  • Destroys capability to think and analyze.
  • Alzheimer patients are generally not able to express their views and feelings to anyone. They can not share their feelings and emotions with others and become a victim of a typical anxiety.
  • It becomes difficult for them to manage common day-to-day tasks. Eating, washing, dressing and other such work are a nightmare for them. The situation worsens with time.
  • Most of the patients of Alzheimer’s disease forget their relatives, friends and surroundings.
  • Depression is a common trait among them.
  • Alzheimer attacks in old ages. Researches show that this disease worsens with age. It easily attacks people who are in their last phase of life.
  • Some studies show that, Alzheimer is a genetic disorder.
  • Rarely, youngsters get affected with this disease in severe traumatic situations.
  • Studies are going on to trace out the root cause of this disorder. But they have not yet got any clues. So, the exact reason behind this fatal disease remains unknown.
Several asanas or poses are suggested to deteriorate the progress of this disease. These include:
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana.
  • Ushtrasana or camel pose.
  • Simhasana or lion pose.
  • Standing yoga asanas, including Tadasana or Pal tree pose.
  • Sitting poses include Gomukhasana or cow face pose.
  • Purvottanasana, Navasana, Pawanmuktasan and Matsyasana are the other yogic poses that are beneficial.
  • Bhujangasana or cobra pose.
  • Parvatasana or mountain pose.
  • Ardha Chakrasana or half moon poses.
  • Shalabhasana or locust pose.
  • Dhanurasana or bow pose is also helpful.
  • Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani are very effective inverted yogic asanas.
  • Balancing poses include Pranayamas or breathing exercises.
  • Walking is very effective. A reliable person can accompany an Alzheimer patient while walking. It enhances his or her (Alzheimer patient’s) ability to communicate.
  • Calming and soothing music may be a good option as it relaxes such patients. This also corrects their behavior.
  • Bright light therapy is suggested to reduce wandering problems and insomnia, or sleeplessness. Pet dogs and other animals can help them in appropriating social behaviors.
  • Ayurvedic remedies such as Winter cherry or Withania somnifera are very helpful in treatment. They decrease the stress and anxiety.
  • Brahmi or Herpestis monniera enhances grasping and learning skills.
  • Ginkgo or Ginkgo Biloba is a popular cure for dementia. It enhances blood flow (to the brain).
  • American ginseng or Panax quinquefolium and Asian ginseng or Panax ginseng are also helpful.
  • Huperzine or Huperzia serrata and Nicotine or Nicotiana tobaccum may give relief.
  • Physostigmine or Physostigma venenosa and Snowdrop or Galanthus nivalus are also popular medications.
Alzheimer has no permanent cure unfortunately. The growing rate of the disease can be decreased with the help of medical and yogic intervention.

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  2. Yoga Can Cure Impotency
  3. Lose Weight through Yoga
  4. Look younger with Yoga!
  5. High Blood pressure or Hypertension

Friday, January 15, 2010

Allergy Treatment with Yoga

Allergies are defined as the abnormal responses of the immune system, which are manifested when a person is exposed to some peculiar substances that stimulate the immune system to respond abnormally. However, not every person is allergic to these substances. A substance which makes a person allergic might not have any effect on another.

Allergic symptoms differ based on the type of the allergic disease. However, a variety of the allergic diseases show all or some of the following signs. These include:
  • Inflammation in body parts.
  • Swelling up of the nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Coughing.
  • Fever.
  • The main culprits for stimulating allergic reactions are pollen, latex, dust and certain types of food.
  • The ambiance surrounding a person may also trigger allergic response.
  • Most of times allergies are inherited by people.
  • Environmental factors also stimulate allergies in individuals. Industrial pollution often triggers allergies. There are certain chemicals found in industrial areas that trigger allergy formation residents of such regions.
Moreover, the effect of genetic factors can not be ruled out in this context. Often twins share common allergic traits. Children of allergic patients generally inherit those allergies.

Although prescribed medications play a vital role in yogic treatment of allergies, such patients can look at various yoga practices that help to reduce the symptoms of the allergy.
  • Allergic patients are recommended to do Kapalabhati Pranayama or Skull Shining Breath. It involves several sequences of forceful, rapid exhalations as well as passive inhalations. It clears the nasal passage.
  • Nadi Sodhana or alternate Nostril Breathing a type of Pranayama recommended to be practiced using both the nostrils.
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or bridge pose, gives strength to the muscles of lungs and chest of a person, thereby helping in expansion. This increases the effectiveness of breathing.
An allergic person must take home remedies to keep the allergy at bay. These include:
  • Ensure cleanliness and hygiene of the bed clean so that dust particles and allergens are not accumulated in it.
  • While using a vacuum cleaner, make sure to use a face mask to avoid the dust from entering the nostrils.
  • Allergic patients are advised to replace carpets with throw rugs, as these rugs are washable.
  • Ensure the room free from dust and pollen, an air filter can also be used for this purpose.
Ayurveda advises a definite procedure to cure allergies. This includes improving the digestive capacity, diet control to ensure a clean burn and purify and strengthen the immune system. These processes help in eradicating allergy from its root cause in the body.
  • As per Ayurveda, uncontrolled eating habits facilitate occurrence of allergies in many cases. Allergic patients must choose eating foods that are easy to digest but which preserve the essential nutrients.
  • Allergies are easily triggered from stress-related burnout. Hence meditation is a better choice to beat the stress.
  • Herbal oil massages are recommended to keep the allergens at bay that enter the body through the nostrils and food.
  • Mild body cleansing procedures like panchakarma, combined with application of powerful herbs, reduces effects of allergy.
Population and environmental pollution both are growing tremendously and so is their effect and contribution in the rise of allergic reaction in people. Taking precaution is the best way to keep allergies at bay. The more a person is away from allergens, the lesser will be the difficulties. People who are prone to dust allergy must not visit dusty places and environments. We recommend consulting a doctor to know more about the allergens.

(All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)

  1. Benefits of Pranayama
  2. Anulom Vilom Pranayam
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  4. High Blood pressure or Hypertension
  5. Control Your Mood Wings with Yoga

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

AIDS Treatment with Yoga

As we all know the dictionary meaning, Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is perhaps the most dreadful disease that spoils our immunity and gradually takes charge of all body systems. The culprit behind the disease is the HIV virus; that decreases the efficiency of the immune system gradually and leaves individuals prone to infections and tumors.

  • These include:
  • Severe muscular pain.
  • Skin infections and rashes with redness all over the body.
  • Sore and inflamed lymph and nodes of the patients.
  • Severe throat pain with fever.
  • Skin infections that do not go away and appear again.
  • Severe weight loss and intermittent cold and cough are two prominent symptoms.
Different symptoms of AIDS may appear in different persons, but they become prominent within 6 weeks of infection by the virus. Unfortunately, most of the patients are unable to recognize the symptoms in time and the symptoms become chronic thereby making the treatment difficult. However, in most of the cases the symptoms of AIDS are not manifested after the person contracts HIV infection. The manifestation of the initial symptoms may differ from patient to patient. Body’s metabolic rate and immunity generally affects the manifestation of the symptoms. The tenure of appearance of symptoms can be anything from 1 to 10 years in the effected people.


The transmission of HIV-infected body fluids from the affected person to a healthy person is responsible for transmission of AIDS. A person carrying the virus can transmit it to another person if he exchanges body fluid with that person.
  • The most common culprit is the unprotected sex with several partners that increases the chances of contracting AIDS.
  • The intravenous drug users become easy prey to catch HIV infection.
Keep fit and stay healthy... that’s the mantra for the people who are carrier of the HIV virus. Some specific exercises and postures are also beneficial in maintaining health. The good thing is that these asanas can be easily performed at home with minimal supervision. These include:
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or supported downwards dog posture. Main feature is that he head of practitioner must be supported by a block.
  • Janu Sirsasana, which is head/knee forward bend ensuring that the head is supported with blankets.
  • Halasana or seated forward bend posture using a chair for support.
  • Savasana or supported relaxation pose is also beneficial for AIDS patients.
Medical fraternity does not suggest any remedy for AIDS, however Ayurvedic practitioners claim that Indian Ayurveda recognized AIDS 2000 years ago. Named as the king of diseases or Rajayakshma and is defined in Ashtanga Hridayam.
  • To improve body strength and induce appetite, preparations like Indukantham Ghritham and Ajamamsa Rasayanam are recommended.
  • Rasasindoor, a mercury preparation, is given to the patients to increase internal strength.
  • If the symptoms start diminishing and patients recover, shodhana techniques are recommended to flush put toxins from the system. This is done through purgation, emesis and enemas.
  • Once the signs of improvement are seen, the patient is given medications that purify the blood.
Patients are recommended to consume special non-vegetarian diet to boost strength. Bathing with cold water and application of sandalwood paste is also recommended.

Ayurveda advises rejuvenators and tonics to enhance immunity level of AIDS patients


Healthy and safe sex is what can prevent AIDS to become an epidemic as AIDS is mostly transmitted by sexual means. Condoms are easy way for protection during sexual intercourse. While using injections and syringes, it must be insured that they are properly sterilized and not shared by others. Though the disease is not curable but practically an HIV infected person can lead a healthy life by choosing a balanced diet and maintaining health and body fitness. (All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Acne Treatment with Yoga

Acne is defined as skin disorder involving sore spots of red color manifested on the superficial skin. It has been noticed that the face and neck become prey of the acne more frequently. However acne can appear anywhere in the body like shoulder, back etc.

A blackhead is noticed first and that develops into acne. Blackhead generally originates when sebum, excessive body oil and toxins are expelled from the skin.

A whitehead is also origin of acne. If care is not taken to remove the oil and bacteria that collect on the skin, whitehead gets inflamed.

  1. Our skin surface has tiny hair follicles, associated with sebaceous gland.
  2. These glands secrete sebum, an oily substance, all day.
  3. At the age of puberty, the male hormone, testosterone excites the sebaceous glands to expel more sebum, which then reacts with them.
  4. Generally, in the case of any obstruction on the hair follicles, it results in the acne.
  5. The excess sebum production, when combines with the skin’s dead cells, hinders the path of the hair follicles and that results in the acne.
  6. Teenagers are more prone to acne due to stress. This is the reason more acne appear on their body before the exams.
  7. Acne is the result of hormonal changes also. This is the reason when girls start menstruating, they become more prone to acne infections.
  8. Pregnant women catch acne infections very easily due to hormonal changes.
  9. People who have weaker immune system and sensitive skins are more prone to acne after using cosmetics and medicines that are not suitable for them.
  • Stress is the main culprit for acne outbreak. People whose lifestyle results in more stress and who are prone to acne can look at Yoga for managing stress and combating acne.
  • Yoga increases the flow of blood thereby protecting the skin from acne infections. The toxins are drained out with the blood flow.
  • Yoga suggests that the spices like coriander and turmeric, which are known for their natural antibiotic properties, are useful in treatment of acne.
  • People, more prone to acne are advised to practice forward bending postures along with inverted postures. This should be combined with deep relaxation for 10 minutes in the supine posture. All these yoga postures help in managing stress and combating acne.
Besides external medication, acne prone person can try out some home based remedies.
Take care of the skin hygiene and wash it with water many times to cure acne.
  • Using lavender reduces inflammation effectively.
  • Drinking the juice of cucumber and carrot also cures acne.
  • Take a cotton ball dipped in egg white and move it gradually across the face. Wash it off after a few hours. This certainly reduces acne.
  • Cook together tea bags and dried basil for 10 to 20 minutes. Now apply this paste on the acne-affected area using a cotton ball.
  • Applying cool cucumber juice on acne spots to get optimum results.
  • To treat the buttock zits a person can apply salty water to the area. Surprisingly the application of toothpaste on the effected spots has been notice to give positive results.
  • Ayurvedic remedies suggested for acne include:
  • Make a paste of 1 tablespoon of honey with a peeled apple, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and half a cucumber. Mix well using a blender. This paste must be applied on the face of the person and left for 20 minutes. Now wash it off slowly with lukewarm water.
  • Make a paste of Neem powder, sandalwood and rose water for the treatment of acne effected skin. It is advised to apply this paste at night and wash it off in morning.
  • Other suggested remedies are avocado paste and garlic cloves to cure acne.
Doctors recommend controlling diet to prevent acne. Many research evidences show that milk and milk products consumption induces acne formation. Especially the food like cottage cheese, skimmed milk and cream cheese induces the glands and skin becomes prone to acne. Sometimes seafood can aggravate acne in an effected person. Acne, a common disorder or young age, attacks adults sometimes. Controlled diet and balanced life are the best remedies for treatment of acne.

(All the information in this document is well researched but general. To know more about remedies of these diseases please contact our specialists or mail us :

Amebiasis Treatment with Yoga

Medical experts define Amebiasis as a contagious intestinal illness the main culprit of which is Entamoeba histolytica parasite which contaminates drinks or food and when this contaminated food or drink is taken by humans, they catch Amebiasis. A tiny single-celled micro-organism called amoeba is spreads Amebiasis. The disease is named on the name of the parasite which causes it. Amebiasis flourishes abundantly in places with improper sanitation facilities. This disease manifests more in many places of Southeast Asia, India, Latin America and Africa.

  • The main symptom of this disease is the abdominal pain which does not go away easily and increase in intensity gradually.
  • Frequent bowel movements, nausea, loss of appetite, bloody stool and cramps are observed in patients.
  • Some patients notice symptoms appear after a week while other patients notice the symptoms even after months.
Entamoeba histolytica parasite is the main culprit for Amebiasis. This parasite penetrates the intestinal walls, thereby results in ulcers and abscesses. After penetration, they enter the intestinal veins and the blood flow then carries them to the liver. Although the disease spreads through contamination, yet some people’s immunity is so strong that they are not affected by the infection even after a family member contracts the disease. It has been noticed that some people live life long as carrier of this parasites but do not get the disease themselves.

  • Pranayama and Yoga asanas improve the digestion and enhance immunity.
  • Pawanmuktasana is generally recommended by our experts for the treatment of this disease.
  • Shankhaprakshalana has also been noticed to cure Amebiasis.
  • A person must practice Vajrasana for ten minutes after meals to get instant relief.
  • Shavasana, sarvangasana, matsyendrasana, paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, mayurasana and Bhujangasana are also recommended to be practiced after pawanmuktasana.
Experts suggest to take Juice of apricot leaves to cure this condition. Drumstick also treats this disease effectively. Fasting is also an effective means for controlling loose motions.

We all know that Ayurveda has medicines for almost all the diseases. Some peculiar plants have been noticed to help cure this contagious disease.
  • Mix Neem leaf paste with mustard oil and turmeric oil, all in similar quantities. This preparation must be applied on the stomach of the affected person and the remedy works very fast to minimize the cramps as well as discomfort.
  • Dried peepul bark must be finely powdered and then mixed with water, strained through a fine sieve and then consumed to get a cure from the disease.
Prevention is better than cure and so are the healthy food habits that work faster than medicines for the treatment of Amebiasis. One should avoid fried foods, uncooked vegetables and overheated food. Khichari and boiled vegetables are generally recommended. Though very tough but fasting works as one of the most effective ways for alleviating exacerbation of these symptoms. If diarrhea a prominent symptom due to indigestion then dairy products must not be consumed and light meal once a day is good. Curd and rice have been known to give some relief from indigestion problems since ages.